Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Until Nigerians put a STOP! to the past and present SELECTIONS of people to elective positions and other powers of positions, by the self styled forceful gangsters, godfathers cabal of looters, instead of a properly well organized ELECTION process by the people,  Nigeria will continue to experience a stagnation and dwindle in economic and political development. “Remember, you cannot sow Cassava and expect to reap Yam” You cannot continue to do the same thing over and over again and expect different result, whatsoever you sow is what you reap. If you “SELECT” unqualified people of the choice of few bad leaders, you will get the same crop of such bad leadership, but if you “ELECT” credible leaders by the majority of the people, you will get credible leadership representing the goodwill of the people who elected them, to bring fort good leadership/governance, who makes the people that gave them the mandate happy and enjoys political, economic, basic amenities,and infrastructural development etc, as dividends of democracy. Now which way do you want to go Nigeria? backwards or forward?.......