Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fellow Nigerians, as we celebrate 53 years of independence today from the colonial masters, I need you to keep in mind that those heroes who fought to bring the now celebrated independence have all passed away and yet there is nothing to write home about the reason for the celebrations. Probably about 90% if not all cultivated this wildfire spread indefinite corrupt seed with a strong and big root beneath as well as the stem that have developed into branches covering the whole area which is now giving the entire nation a difficult puzzle to solve. Their reasons for cultivating such a terrible seed may not be unconnected with the idea of amassing the wealth and live like lords without any considerations of the fact that they will not live for ever as well as keeping their loot for their children and the yet unborn grand and great grandchildren to inherit at the detriment of their fellow Nigerians, but unfortunately they will naturally inherit such wealth as a curse upon their head and grossly misuse and badly manage the excessive wealth even as far as leading them to their early grave and torments, no peace and other prevailing punishment inherently placed on them by their inconsiderate parents while the underdog impoverished less privileged Nigerians watch and mock at foolish squanders. Now the lesson of this is first they failed in their wild dreams of living for ever because at 53 they have all passed away after the atrocities of the bad seed of corruption and looting spree they cultivated and secondly that their lineage inherited curse and eventual punishment rather than the eternal enjoyment they intended. I recommend to the present leaders who took after the bad builders to refrain from such unpatriotic senseless vision and begin to build a better nation living a good legacy for themselves and their generational lineage for posterity with leadership of patriotism making a platform remarkable greatness on their part known for their generosity by way of development of positive impact and empowerment of their fellow citizens, that's when we all can celebrate together as one nation, one destiny. Fellow Nigerians, Nigeria is celebrating today 53 years of independence from the colonial masters. I need you to keep in mind that those heroes who fought to bring the now celebrated independence have all passed away and yet there is nothing to write home about the reason for the celebrations. Probably about 90% if not all cultivated this indefinite wildfire spread corrupt seed that has developed into a strong and big root beneath as well as a huge stem that have developed into branches covering the whole area now giving the entire nation a difficult puzzle to solve. Their reasons for cultivating such a terrible seed may not be unconnected with the idea of amassing wealth and live like lords with the mindset of living for ever as well as keeping their loot and amassed wealth for their children, and the yet unborn grand and great grandchildren to inherit at the detriment of their fellow Nigerians, but unfortunately nemesis follow the innocent children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren who inherits such none genuine wealth as a curse upon their head and, grossly misuse and badly manage the excessive evil guided wealth that is associated with squanders, and irresponsibility on the part of the intended plans of the chain of transfer of inheritance on their lineage that will be turned into a generational curse, even as far as leading them to their early grave and torments, no peace and other prevailing punishment inherently placed on them by their inconsiderate parents while the underdog impoverished less privileged Nigerians watch and mock at the foolish prodigal squanders. Now the lesson of this is first, they failed in their wild dreams of living for ever because at 53 they have all passed away after the atrocities of the bad seed of corruption and looting spree they cultivated as bad precedence for their successive leaders and secondly, that their lineage inherited curse and eventual punishment rather than the eternal enjoyment they intended. I recommend to the present leaders who took after the bad builders to refrain from such unpatriotic senseless vision and begin to build a better nation living a good legacy for themselves and their generational lineage for posterity, with leadership of patriotism and purpose, making a remarkable platform of success and greatness on their part known for their generosity by way of development of positive and transformational impact and empowerment on their fellow citizens, that's when we all can celebrate together as one nation, one destiny.

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