Monday, October 22, 2012

Congratulations to Gov. Mimiko of Ondo State, Nigeria.

I wish to congratulate Dr. Olusegun Mimiko of the Labor Party, on his overwhelming victory in the just concluded governorship elections in Ondo state, Nigeria.
This victory is another signal to the leaders with the old negative business as usual ideas, that the electoral system as well as the electorates (the people) are systematically changing to a more educative, dynamic, and more credible with a lot of awareness in making their choices. The godfatherism style is gradually fading away and moving towards a more scientific and practical evidence of who can deliver as the people's choice rather than the choices of some godfathers who with such choices and decisions doesn't reflect the will of the people in a real democratic set up. I also congratulate the INEC for yielding to the people's will rather than that of the hopeless, never mean well for the betterment of the nation, selfish and greedy leaders that are out there to destroy, run down the social/economic/political structure of the nation, and further impoverish the millions of Nigerians who they have been leading by false pretence. I also congratulate the people of Ondo state, for their wisdom and boldness with which they used to shun the moneybag greedy, deceitful leaders, that were posed to manipulate the electoral process to favor their candidate. Above all I thank God almighty for giving the people the cooperation to exercise their civic rights without fear. If we continue like this nationwide, the godfathers will have no hide outs, but to shamefully retire to their shells, weeping and gnashing their teeth. God bless the people of Ondo state.
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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Nigeria Leadership Nightmare.

I remember one of my trip to Nigeria a couple of years ago, I used a public transport from Lagos to Benin through the ever lasting death trap Lagos Benin supposedly federal express way (Federal death trap road), an angry young Ibo trader passenger, suggested in his opinion that the federal government officials and the state government and their officials as well (The president, ministers, judges, 
senators & house of representative members, Governors, state house of assembly members and commissioners, etc ) will be forced to use the same roads the other millions of Nigerians uses and have a feel of the pain and sufferings they encounter on a daily bases, if there is a national uprising that will lead to the closure of all the airports in Nigeria, probably that will give the Nigeria selfish greedy leaders a wake up call to either fix or reconstruct a good motorable road network all through Nigeria. Do you agree with that?


Monday, October 8, 2012

Objective, Reason, & Decision..

It baffles me when human beings (educated or uneducated) people makes some decision based on a one sided view without due consideration of simple objective reasoning before taking their decisions. Even some judges makes such unforced error mistakes, and punish innocent people.
There is a test case in question from the horrific beating, dehumanization, and burning alive of some innocent promising young men in Port Harcourt University in Nigeria for an offence they didn't commit after serious investigations into the issue. It is ridiculous, barbaric, and criminal.
People take the law into their hands with total disregard to the rule of law for trivial things in most cases of such human right violations.
I have also read in pages of some prominent advocates and their blogs about how they reported and condemn the act with indirect support of the claims of the perpetrators of the act that the young victims actually stole the items without proper investigations in an objective and reasonable manner before jumping into decision that they committed the crime of stealing the items which a new report of those colleagues on ground reports that the victims did not commit the crime. They tagged a lot of people with such commentaries and analysis with a one-sided view even though they condemn the barbaric murder that has attracted the attentions of human rights activists world wide to calling on the federal government of Nigeria to properly investigate the issues and bring the perpetrators to justice without delay.
This is an irresponsible act from the members of the public especially students and therefore it is highly unacceptable and if not already in existence, there should be a law that deals with how to handle this kind of actions as well as the punishments for the people involved in such and similar cases now and the future as a deterrent to those with the intent of such criminal activities and make our society a safer place to live.

The true story behind the UNIPORT Students Burnt Alive For Allegedly Stealing Phones & Laptops
By.Adegbola Ade
This was sent to my bb as the true story behind d killing of these guys not yet confirmed anyway. This is the real story: Ugonna...See More
 — with Sandra Anierobi and 12 others.
14Like ·  · 

Joe-Brown Ero - Google+

Sunday, August 26, 2012

THEWILL - Expanding the National Conversation - Nigeria, Iran To Partner On Security, Power, Others

Not a surprise to hear or read about such a ridiculous move by the Nigerian government. If they can negotiate and partner with groups like MEND, even Boko Haram, and other militant groups in trying to find lasting solutions to our security problems, they can as well contract the job to any violent, radical, hostile, and terrorist nations to handle the security issues as we have shown to the world our incompetence to take care of our internal problems that has become grossly miss managed by the ill-fated government that have no direction. The only good thing they know how to fix is FRAUD & LOOTING of the treasury without consultations with anybody or groups....
THEWILL - Expanding the National Conversation - Nigeria, Iran To Partner On Security, Power, Others

Sunday, June 3, 2012

THEWILL - Expanding the National Conversation - Suicide Blast At Bauchi Church Kills 12 Worshippers

I hearby call on the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, GEJ with all his Cabinet/executive members to resign for their inability to manage the country's prevailing issues especially the security problems that have plagued the nation, worse since GEJ took over power. Apart from the security issue, the current president and government have nothing significant of achievement, the only thing they have successfully achieved is to improve on the looting method they inherited from their predecessors like OBJ, IBB, the hell dwelling Abacha, and others. Unbehalf of the millions of oppressed Nigerians, I hereby pass a vote of no confidence on the president GEJ and his executive, consequently they should resign with immediate alacrity!!!!....

THEWILL - Expanding the National Conversation - Suicide Blast At Bauchi Church Kills 12 Worshippers

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Political parties and the politicians in Nigeria don't have 'Ideology/Agenda' in which they sincerely and genuinely believe. Because if they do, they will not be decamping, declaring, switching in and switching out, moving in and moving out of one political party to the other, like running from pillar to post, or serving God and worshiping idols. All they believe is where they can flexibly steal and loot the money. "If you believe and trust your ideas and that of a political party, you stay and stick with it to contribute your quota and develop on it, not going to the opposite party or running back from the party or group you rejected and abandoned" It doesn't make no sense....."Wake up Nigeria"

Friday, May 25, 2012

News -- President Goodluck Jonathan silent on his role in N155bn oil scandal

Here we go again!! The federal government has engulfed and tangled itself with looting and thievery activities in the present GEJ administration. Our leaders haven't shown any sign of human nature to the whole world but exposing themselves on a daily base, of their animal in human skin. They fight to get to power by all means (Thuggery, diabolical, spiritual, murder, and other devilish ways) to get into power at all levels, for only one open/hidden agenda..."To loot and oppress the people with their fake power derived from stealing and looting. I think it's about time for Nigerians (Home & Abroad) to rise and put a stop to this devilish activities of the leaders before they sink the resourceful and naturally endowed nation into abysmal misery...."Enough is Enough"
News -- President Goodluck Jonathan silent on his role in N155bn oil scandal

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

News -- Newsflash: Rogues, armed robbers in National Assembly - Obasanjo

Good talk OBJ!!  Look who is talking, the Cleverest Looter King (CLK) talking about his clever looter chiefs who he thought how to thief, rob, and loot, as students now graduated into better and bigger looters. I wish you did not teach this people how to be rouges, armed robbers, and corrupt leaders, things would have been better, now you are angry because they are doing better than you in what you thought them how to do....."Be careful what you wish as it may come back to hunt you"

News -- Newsflash: Rogues, armed robbers in National Assembly - Obasanjo

Friday, April 20, 2012

Shame on the Nigerian Judiciary & Thief Ibori By the British Judiciary....

The Nigerian judiciary said to Thief Ibori: "Go you are a good politician for your ability to loot the treasury dry and impoverish your people" Thief Ibori to the British Judiciary: "Don't mind those Nigeria corrupt judicial system, I am guilty to all 10 charges, please punish me as you wish to tell Nigeria that they don't know what they are doing"

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

UK to return Ibori’s loot to Delta State — The Punch - Nigeria's Most Widely Read Newspaper

I hail the UK court for their judgement and leniency for reducing the sentence on thief Ibori, but the confiscating proceedings part which will eventually lead to the return of his unquantifiable loot be return to Delta state, Nigeria would have been nice, only if the money will not go into the waiting itching wrong hands of the seating governor of Delta state, either for his own personal keep or keeping it for the thief so when he comes back, he can fall back on it to continue oppressing the people. Point number two is that experts have figured it out that the monies as analyzed in this article is mind boggling and disheartening because put together, it could afford the entire nation (Nigeria) to install a power plant or rather put in place Uninterruptible Power Supply for ever or many years to come for the nation, an epidermic that has plagued the nation costing her the deserved economic and infrastructural development and making the people enjoy their lives. I have often suggested that we return back to colonial rules because we lack the spiritual and mental physical ability to rule or govern ourselves. This is critical because the Nigerian government and it's corrupt incompetent judiciary prosecuted and freed Ibori and many looters and criminals, walking freely in the streets of Nigeria, ironically the colonial lords got him to plead guilty to all 10 counts (unforced), punish him by sentencing him to 13 years in jail, and even proceeding to confiscate and return his loots to Delta state government is laughable and ridicule on Nigerian government. "Shame on you bad blood leaders of Nigeria" It would have been nice if God can come down and make a clean sweep and wipe out those bad people and leaders from that country as in the days of NOAH in the old testament of the holy bible. and rebuild that nation with good people.  
UK to return Ibori’s loot to Delta State — The Punch - Nigeria's Most Widely Read Newspaper

THEWILL - Expanding the National Conversation - Pension Probe: Drama As Senate Asks Police To Investigate EFCC

It is alarming the rate at which people steal money and go free in Nigeria, while the generality of the people remain in abject poverty. They play with the people like a chess game, the EFCC who investigates people including the POLICE are now to be investigated by the police, meanwhile the people who stole the billions are not prosecuted and adequately punished,   and the looted money returned. What's wrong with our people?
THEWILL - Expanding the National Conversation - Pension Probe: Drama As Senate Asks Police To Investigate EFCC

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Joe-Brown: THEWILL - Expanding the National Conversation - IS...

Joe-Brown: THEWILL - Expanding the National Conversation - IS...: This is a brief but deep and passionate expression of the feelings of millions of the impoverished Nigerians whose voices are never heard bu...


This is a brief but deep and passionate expression of the feelings of millions of the impoverished Nigerians whose voices are never heard but the privileged few Nigerian looter leaders that has hijacked the economic and political power from the people....."Where do we go from here and how do we salvage the situation"

Friday, March 16, 2012

News -- Viewpoint: Who is marginalising the Binis?

In a situation when the Bini political elite seem to be complacent and an Adams Oshiomhole from a minority tribe in the North Senatorial district now determines who becomes their councillor, their chairman, members of the House of Assembly, House of Representatives, Senate and the Deputy governor among the Binis, a renewal of faith in some basic moral virtues is necessary.
"Edo or Odion" is good if it does not end up with the exchange of carrots for a pot of porridge or breaking of kola-nuts; if it does not end up with Oshiomhole deciding who and who should represent the Bini in every elected position; if it goes beyond the inclination to receive cash and car gifts by some traditional rulers of Bini scion, to sell the opportunities of the people at the corridors of power.

News -- <FONT COLOR="#808080">Viewpoint: </font>Who is marginalising the Binis?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

THEWILL - Expanding the National Conversation - Senate Starts Const. Amendment; Moves To Create State Appeal Court

This is an interesting bill. It has been an issue of concern to a lot of progressive minded citizens as the set up wasn't right in the first place, giving too much power to the state government and opportunity to fraud. The tertiary government is supposed to be autonomous to enhance development to the grass root, if they are given the responsibility to manage the affairs of the local government without the interference of the state and federal government. It will be highly commendable if the senate is able to make this amendment possible.
THEWILL - Expanding the National Conversation - Senate Starts Const. Amendment; Moves To Create State Appeal Court

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Until Nigerians put a STOP! to the past and present SELECTIONS of people to elective positions and other powers of positions, by the self styled forceful gangsters, godfathers cabal of looters, instead of a properly well organized ELECTION process by the people,  Nigeria will continue to experience a stagnation and dwindle in economic and political development. “Remember, you cannot sow Cassava and expect to reap Yam” You cannot continue to do the same thing over and over again and expect different result, whatsoever you sow is what you reap. If you “SELECT” unqualified people of the choice of few bad leaders, you will get the same crop of such bad leadership, but if you “ELECT” credible leaders by the majority of the people, you will get credible leadership representing the goodwill of the people who elected them, to bring fort good leadership/governance, who makes the people that gave them the mandate happy and enjoys political, economic, basic amenities,and infrastructural development etc, as dividends of democracy. Now which way do you want to go Nigeria? backwards or forward?.......