Thursday, October 11, 2012

Nigeria Leadership Nightmare.

I remember one of my trip to Nigeria a couple of years ago, I used a public transport from Lagos to Benin through the ever lasting death trap Lagos Benin supposedly federal express way (Federal death trap road), an angry young Ibo trader passenger, suggested in his opinion that the federal government officials and the state government and their officials as well (The president, ministers, judges, 
senators & house of representative members, Governors, state house of assembly members and commissioners, etc ) will be forced to use the same roads the other millions of Nigerians uses and have a feel of the pain and sufferings they encounter on a daily bases, if there is a national uprising that will lead to the closure of all the airports in Nigeria, probably that will give the Nigeria selfish greedy leaders a wake up call to either fix or reconstruct a good motorable road network all through Nigeria. Do you agree with that?


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