Monday, October 22, 2012

Congratulations to Gov. Mimiko of Ondo State, Nigeria.

I wish to congratulate Dr. Olusegun Mimiko of the Labor Party, on his overwhelming victory in the just concluded governorship elections in Ondo state, Nigeria.
This victory is another signal to the leaders with the old negative business as usual ideas, that the electoral system as well as the electorates (the people) are systematically changing to a more educative, dynamic, and more credible with a lot of awareness in making their choices. The godfatherism style is gradually fading away and moving towards a more scientific and practical evidence of who can deliver as the people's choice rather than the choices of some godfathers who with such choices and decisions doesn't reflect the will of the people in a real democratic set up. I also congratulate the INEC for yielding to the people's will rather than that of the hopeless, never mean well for the betterment of the nation, selfish and greedy leaders that are out there to destroy, run down the social/economic/political structure of the nation, and further impoverish the millions of Nigerians who they have been leading by false pretence. I also congratulate the people of Ondo state, for their wisdom and boldness with which they used to shun the moneybag greedy, deceitful leaders, that were posed to manipulate the electoral process to favor their candidate. Above all I thank God almighty for giving the people the cooperation to exercise their civic rights without fear. If we continue like this nationwide, the godfathers will have no hide outs, but to shamefully retire to their shells, weeping and gnashing their teeth. God bless the people of Ondo state.
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